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Pravljične fotografije: Slovenijo pobelil sneg

Sneg Profimedia
Čeprav se odpovedi potovanj zaradi širjenja koronavirusa kar vrstijo, se lahko brez skrbi pred okužbo podate na izlet v slovensko naravo.

To so po včerajšnjem sneženju storili številni Slovenci in Slovenke in nekaj idiličnih fotografij objavili na Instagramu. Zimska idila glede na napovedi ne bo trajala dolgo, je pa razveselila mnoge ljubitelje snega ...


Winter time at St. Thomas under Kočna and Grintovec. ❄️ #slovenia⠀

A post shared by Jost Gantar (@jostgantar) on


[❄NAMESTO POMLADI SMO DOBILI POŠILJKO SNEGA🌨] Po slovenskem ljudskem izročilu so pustne šeme na pustni dan zadolžene, da preženejo zimo. In tudi narava naj bi se začela prebujati prav te dni. A pogled skozi okno govori drugo zgodbo – sneg! In mi smo čisto navdušeni nad lepimi sneženimi prizori, ki jih rise narava v @kozjanskipark! 😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ [❄INSTEAD OF SPRING WE GOT A SHIPMENT OF SNOW🌨] According to Slovenian folk tradition, the task of carnival masks is to chase away the winter on “PUST” or carnival day. And nature is also supposed to wake up slowly to spring these days. But a look out the window tells a different story – snow! And we are soooo excited about these dreamy winter scenes nature of the regional @kozjanskipark paints for us! 😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Foto 📸 @fotografiraj.se . . . #podsredacastle #gradpodsreda #kozjanskipark #kozjanskoregionalpark #protectedarea #naturepark #visitpodcetrtek #visitok #feelslovenia #castelsofeurope #ifeelslovenia #igslovenia #geoslo #natgeo #visitslovenia #traveleurope #slovenia #slovenija #travelslovenia #castelsofslovenia #medievalcastle #castlesofposavje #kozjansko #gradoviposavja #nasvetzaizlet #kampadanes #podsredacastleapartments #apartmajinagradu

A post shared by Podsreda Castle (@podsredacastle) on


Še PUST NI VEČ, KAR JE BIL! 🤭❄️⁣ ⁣ 🇬🇧 According to Slovenian folk tradition, ⁣ the task of carnival masks is to chase away the winter on “PUST” or carnival day. And nature is also supposed to wake up slowly to spring these days. But a look out the window tells a different story – snow! And we are soooo excited about these dreamy winter scenes nature of the regional Kozjanski park paits for us! ⁣ Foto 📸 Fotografiraj.se⁣ ⁣ #kozjanskoinobsotelje #kozjansko #feelslovenia #ifeelslovenia #slovenia #slovenia_ig #beautifulslovenia #podcetrtek #kampadanes #idejazaizlet #gremonaoff #visitslovenia #sloveniatrip #sloveniaoutdoor #slovenialovers #sloveniatravel #visitslovenia

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Suha Mountain 🏔 is a medium-sized mountain located l between the peaks of Okroglica, Špik, Mala Rodica, Debeli vrh and Zavitar. On the mountain, where livestock is still grazed in the summer, there are some shepherds' huts, and next to one of these cottages, there is usually a tap with drinking water, which is open in the summer. #ifeelsLOVEnia #myway Photo by @love.ljubljana. #slovenia #julianalps #exploreandcreate #alps #mountains #modernoutdoors #earthpic #adventuremore #adventureawaits #traveltherenext #adventureanywhere #livetheadventure #ourdailyplanet #earthlandscape #nationalearth #topeuropephoto #placestogo #living_europe #exploretocreate #wanderlust⁠

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How beautifully nature paints! 🖌 #ifeelsLOVEnia #myway⁠ ⁠ This natural reserve is home to various interesting flora, among it carnivorous sundew, and among animals, amphibiansand nesting birds are represented in large numbers. It is situated at the northern edge of the Triglav National Park, bordered in the south by the forested Vitranc, and equally wooded Karavanks in the north. ⁠ ⁠ Photo by @moodywanderer. #exploreandcreate #visualsoflife #naturephotography #ferien #diewocheaufinstagram #beautifuldestinations #agameoftones #artofvisuals #justgoshoot #createcommune #passionpassport #neverstopexploring #slovenia #kranjskagora #travelgram #wanderlust #adventure #photooftheday #travelphotography #landscape #tourism #traveldestinations #zelenci #slovenia

A post shared by Feel Slovenia (@feelslovenia) on


#sneg #slovenija #lepoteslovenije #igslovenia #gorenjska #ifeelslovenia #visitslovenia #februar2020

A post shared by Matej (@matejzrim94) on


Današnje popepelničje jutro. #ekokapl #lasko #snow #sneg

A post shared by Erika Klancnik (@rikaklancnik) on



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