Losangeleški gasilci so iz goreče hiše rešili psa in ga rešili pred gotovo smrtjo.
Ogenj je izbruhnil v predelu Koreatown Los Angelesa, v stanovanju, kjer je zagorelo, pa je bil pes sam, poroča NBC.
Potem, ko so psa rešili iz stanovnaja, so mu gasilci namestili masko s kisikom, ga osvežili z vodo in kmalu je spet samostojno zadihal.
DOG'S BEST FRIENDS: Los Angeles firefighters comforted a dog who was having trouble breathing after a rescue from a burning home in Koreatown. The firefighters had the dog back up and walking around on its own after they provided water, oxygen and the healing powers of a belly rub: http://4.nbcla.com/sg6RUxQ
Posted by NBC LA on Thursday, February 18, 2016
Podrobnosti o požaru niso znane.
Bravo.... pohvalno.