Iz Bele hiše so pred nekaj meseci sporočili, da se je Melania Trump odločila za prenovo znamenitega vrte 'Rose Garden'. V soboto je svetu pokazala svoj dosežek. Sodeč po odzivu javnosti, bi morda bilo bolje, da se obnove ne bi lotila.
Excited to honor history & celebrate the future in our beautiful @WhiteHouse Rose Garden this evening. Thank you to all who helped renew this iconic & truly gorgeous space. pic.twitter.com/ggiqLkdGbw
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) August 22, 2020
Prva dama, kot vse kaže, ni ravno navdušena na rožami in drevesi, ampak ima raje beton. Z vrta je namreč odstranila češnjeva drevesa in nekatere rože, ki jih je tam pred šestdesetimi posadila Jackie Kennedy, namesto njih pa tja postavila betonske plošče.
Before and after photographs of newly renovated White House Rose Garden:
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) August 22, 2020
courtesy #Getty and @marycjordan pic.twitter.com/w6bzoNHMjC
Melania “The Once-Ler” Trump. pic.twitter.com/ulCM4uLY4U
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) August 23, 2020
Vrt pred ovalno pisarno je bil praktično nedotaknjen zadnjih 60 let. Melania Trump je imela dobre namene, a sodeč po odzivih z interneta, v javnosti nad njenimi posegi ni navdušenja. Nekateri zdajšnjo obliko vrta primerjajo s pokopališčem.
If @FLOTUS was shooting for a Cemetery look in the Rose Garden, she nailed it. #RoseGardenMassacre pic.twitter.com/DNkPIMxYRH
— Mike (@ItalianTexans) August 23, 2020
Michelle Obama planted a kitchen garden.
— Travis Akers (@travisakers) August 23, 2020
Melania Trump constructed a cemetery. pic.twitter.com/XJOtQICTyA
I normally think Melania has impeccable taste - but removing Jackie O’s rose garden and all the beautiful flowers and color for whatever reason I find really upsetting not to mention not nearly as beautiful. Not everything historical is meant to be redone :(
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) August 22, 2020
The Trumps paved paradise and put up a parking lot. https://t.co/XVLthzu37f
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) August 22, 2020
Nekateri kritiki jo primerjajo celo z Marijo Antonieto, ki je na veliko zapravljala, medtem ko je ljudstvo, ki mu je vladala, komaj živelo. Vzporednice vlečejo z Združenimi državami, ki so se znašle v veliki finančni krizi, ki jo je povzročil covid-19.
If this isn’t a Marie Antionette moment I don’t know what is. Who cares about a redesigned rose garden when we’re in the middle of a pandemic, 175k+ people are dead and millions are out of work? https://t.co/x5APCx4bGv
— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) August 22, 2020
Here is the colorful, happy Rose Garden under Obama, and here is Melania's unveiling of the new garden, entirely devoid of color or joy. pic.twitter.com/j9cNXC63tC
— Jennifer Wright (@JenAshleyWright) August 22, 2020
More than 180,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.
— Democratic Coalition (@TheDemCoalition) August 23, 2020
The unemployment rate is 10.2%.
And this is their focus 👇https://t.co/GGfEuhSutf
Vrt je lepo prenovljen in je bil prenove tudi potreben. Je pa res, da politični nasprotniki iščejo zdraho povsod tam, ki je ni treba. Nevoščljivost in primitivnost naše leve politične sodrge komentatorjev meji pa že na norost, vključno z novinarji.… ...prikaži več. Lep primer ste ravno komentatorji tega članka. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/lady-melania-trump-unveils-white-house-rose-garden/story?id=72541169
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