"Če ste mislili, da je Orban edini "glavobol" za stranko EPP, poglejte, kaj retvita slovenski premier Janez Janša, ki z vso močjo brani Trumpa," se je glasil zapis evroposlanke z Nizozemske, Sophie in 't Veld. Očitala mu je, da je Trumpu čestital dva dni po volitvah, Joeju Bidnu pa celo zdaj še ne, in opozorila, da bo Slovenija letos predsedovala Svetu EU.
If you thought #Orbán is the only headache for @eppgroup just check out 👇 the RTs by Slovenian PM @JJansaSDS, in full Trump-defense mode. This guy congratulated Trump after the Nov elections (but has’t congratulated Biden yet). Note: SV will hold the EU presidency in 7/21 https://t.co/daCTxt0v7z
— Sophie in 't Veld (@SophieintVeld) January 9, 2021
Janša ji je odgovoril, naj mu vendarle pokaže domnevne čestitke Trumpu, ki da so jih izumili ona in njeni "resnicoljubni prijatelji".
Well, Mrs. @SophieintVeld, can you finally show me this my “congratulations to Trump” you and your “truth loving friends” invented?
— Janez Janša (@JJansaSDS) January 9, 2021
To je tudi storila in prilepila njegov tvit 5. novembra.
Dear Prime Minister, what an honour to get a direct answer to my tweet on a Saturday evening! In answer to your question I enclose a screenshot of your tweet of Nov 5. Not invented, your tweet. https://t.co/UmwAVkad0U pic.twitter.com/5kc0x89xoW
— Sophie in 't Veld (@SophieintVeld) January 9, 2021
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