V Marbelli v Španiji je umrl nekdanji angleški nogometaš Trevor Francis, zanj je bil usoden srčni napad. Francis, ki je sredi aprila dopolnil 69 let, se je v zgodovino nogometa sicer zapisal kot prvi Britanec za katerega so ob prestopu odšteli milijon funtov, toliko je zanj Birmingham Cityju leta 1979 namreč plačal Nottingham Forest.
🗓 in 1979 Trevor Francis became Britain's first £1m footballer when he signed for Nottingham Forest.
He won two European Cups with Forest - in 1979, where he scored the winner against Malmo, and in 1980.
Rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/Z6G0KAqBFF— Match of the Day (@BBCMOTD) July 24, 2023
Slednji je v naslednjih dveh sezonah postal evropski klubski prvak, v prvem finalu proti švedskemu Malmöju, ki je bil odigran na olimpijskem stadionu v Münchnu, pa je edini zadetek dosegel prav Francis.
I never, ever tire of watching this goal. RIP Trevor Francis, one of the Miracle Men #nffc pic.twitter.com/LLagu8nc6k
— The Famous Club (@TheFamousCIub) July 24, 2023
Ta je kasneje zaigral še za Manchester City, Sampdorio, Atalanto, Glasgow Rangers in Queens Park Rangers.
Francis je zbral tudi 52 nastopov za angleško izbrano vrsto, dosegel je 12 zadetkov.
Some sad news to bring you this afternoon…
— BBC Nottingham Sport (@BBCRNS) July 24, 2023
Trevor Francis, the man who scored Nottingham Forest's winning goal in the 1979 European Cup Final, has died at the age of 69. pic.twitter.com/xBkEYNBN5k
Spet nogomataš, pravi nadljudje za medije..