Wayne Rooney je bil član Manchester Uniteda od leta 2004 do leta 2017, pred začetkom nove sezone pa se je po 13 letih vrnil v matični klub.
"Vračam se zato, ker mislim, da smo lahko uspešni," je ob vrnitvi "domov" povedal 31-letni napadalec, ki je na Old Traffordu osvojil pet ligaških naslovov, tri pokale in Ligo prvakov.
Rooney se je pod vodstvom Joséja Mourinha vse pogosteje znašel na klopi, saj sta v napadu rdečih vragov namesto njega blestela Zlatan Ibrahimović in Henrikh Mkhitaryan.
Želja po minutaži ga je vodila nazaj v Liverpool, kjer pa je z nespametno izjavo že ujetil navijače dolgoletnega kluba.
"Pri Manchester Unitedu veljajo določeni standardi, ki jih je uvedel Sir Alex Ferguson. V garderobi so se ti standardi prenašali prek Ryana Giggsa, Garyja Nevilla in Paula Scholesa. V zadnjih letih je bilo na meni in Michael Carricku, da sva te standarde prenašala na mlajše nogometaše," je povedal Rooney.
"V zadnjem času je to postajalo vse težje, saj so se klubu pridružili nekateri novi igralci. Pri Unitedu veljajo tradicije, ki jih je treba spoštovati. Postajalo je vedno težje, a to ni več moj problem. Presrečen sem, da sem spet pri Evertonu."
Navijači rdečih vragov so bili nad njegovimi besedami ogorčeni. "Standardi? Ja, zato pa si pri Evertonu," sporočajo nekdanjemu ljubljencu.
Rooney talking about standards slipping at United, and some of the players we'd signed not being up to it.
— Stephen Howson (@MrStephenHowson) July 16, 2017
Yet they kept him out the team
Rooney's right, we had dropped our standards. But under Mourinho we've got them back. And that's why he's now a squad player at Everton.
— Stuart (@__Bingo) July 16, 2017
I was about to get outraged at what Rooney said and then decided that I agree with him. There are standards. Which he also fell short of.
— Ste.A (@sarm0161) July 16, 2017
Rooney’s comments on #MUFC teammates are unfortunate (and unfounded). The likes of Herrera, Mata, Rashford, De Gea (and Ibra) carried him.
— Gary Burns (@GTBurns) July 16, 2017
The absolute cheek of Rooney to talk about standards and the players bought at MUFC. His standards were atrocious for years before his exit.
— Alex Shaw (@AlexShawESPN) July 16, 2017
Wayne Rooney a brave man to talk up his role in maintaining 'standards that you have to keep when you are at Manchester United'. #MUFC #EFC pic.twitter.com/gZAAxoc4bJ
— Duncan Castles (@DuncanCastles) July 17, 2017
Thought these comments were disgraceful & disrespectful from Wayne Rooney. Hasn't been gone 5 minutes & he's taken shots at ex-teammates. pic.twitter.com/GdQrrbJxri
— Adam Joseph (@AdamJosephSport) July 16, 2017