Tekla je 94. minuta na domačem stadionu madridskega Reala, ki mu je ostalo manj kot 60 sekund, da se izogne izpadu iz letošnje sezone Lige prvakov. Iker Casillas, ki se je med tekmo izkazal z nekaj vrhunskimi obrambami, je izvedel avt, pri tem pa mu je žoga ušla in glavni sodnik Jonas Eriksson je dosodil napačno izvajanje ter žogo dodelil Juventusu.
Internet ni bil prizanesljiv do španskega čuvaja mreže.
Iker Casillas taking a throw in... pic.twitter.com/snV5Xggb51
— Paddy Power (@paddypower) May 13, 2015
Imagine if Iker Casillas' Real Madrid career ends with a foul throw
— Paul Macdonald (@PaulMacdGoal) May 13, 2015
That Casillas foul throw was the image of the 21st century.
— Duncan Alexander (@oilysailor) May 13, 2015
Casillas committing a foul throw in the 94th minute of a CL SF that Real needed to score in is just absolutely the best thing about tonight
— Julian De Martinis (@JulianDM11) May 13, 2015
That's the worst throw in ever by Casillas
— John Bradley (@JBcommentator) May 13, 2015