Belgija je na tekmi drugega kroga skupine E premagala Irsko se veselila pomembnih treh točk v lovu na izločilne boje. Dvakrat se je med strelce vpisal Romelu Lukaku, enkrat pa je irsko mrežo zatresel Axel Witsel.
Tekma pa bi lahko imela drugačen epilog, če bi Cuneyt Çakιr pred prvim zadetkom belgijske izbrane vrste dosodil prekršek nad irskim reprezentantom Shanom Longom. Nihče ne more trditi, da bi Irska potemtakem premagala Belgijo, a dejstvo je, da bi imeli v primeru uspešno izvedene 11-metrovke precej boljše izhodišče.
Na sporno odločitev sodnika, ki ni pokazal na belo točko, je reagirala tvitosfera. ''Kako, hudiča, to ni enajstmetrovka?'' se je spraševal eden od uporabnikov družabnega omrežja Twitter.
Ireland fans seeing replays of defender kicking Shane Long in the head and the ref not giving a penalty..
— talkingbaws (@talkingbaws) 18 June 2016
Ireland behind to Lukaku, but should have had a penalty for Alderweireld boot catching Long in the head before the counter-attack
— Glenn Moore (@GlennMoore7) 18 June 2016
@TSBible How the fuck was this not a penalty??
— Micky Conway (@mikcee1) 18 June 2016
Surely a penalty for Ireland before the goal no???
— Padraig Amond (@padraigamond21) 18 June 2016
That was a ridiculously high foot, Ireland should have had a penalty.
— leanne (@leanne3654) 18 June 2016
Hopefully Roy Keane will have a few words with that ref in the tunnel #IREBEL
— James Gaffney (@jamesgaffney) 18 June 2016
Interesting tactics the Belgian defenders are using on Shane Long
— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) 18 June 2016
"Not a penalty"
— Football Funnys (@FootballFunnys) 18 June 2016
Turkish referee off to a flyer #BELIRL
— James Brophy (@JBrophy2705) 18 June 2016