V 78. letu starosti je zaradi posledic možganske kapi, ki jo je utrpel 12. decembra, umrl nekdanji komisar lige NBA David Stern. Ta je bil prvi mož tekmovanja med leti 1984 in 2014, tri desetletja pa je najdaljši staž med funkcionarji, ki so vodili najmočnejšo košarkarsko ligo na svetu.
Pod njegovim vodstvom je liga NBA iz 23 franšiz, ki so se večinoma borile z rdečimi številkami, postala globalni fenomen. Ko jo je pred petimi leti zapuščal, je bilo tekmovanje sestavljeno iz 30 moštev, ki so svoje prihodke povečali za približno 30-krat, liga pa trenutno na leto zasluži 5 milijard ameriških dolarjev. Stern velja tako za očeta moderne NBA.
Breaking News: David Stern, who was commissioner of the NBA for 30 years, helping transform it into a multibillion-dollar industry, has died. He was 77. https://t.co/gywIo3THIa
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 1, 2020
Stern, sicer diplomirani pravnik, se je trudil za popularizacijo lige NBA izven Združenih držav Amerike ter se je tako dogovoril za prenose tekem v 200 različnih državah, ki so potekali v 49 jezikih. Na čelu je bil tudi ob kar štirih 'lockoutih', ko so bile zaradi nesoglasij prekinjene vse košarkarske dejavnosti v ligi, ustanovil pa je tudi žensko različico lige NBA in razvojno ligo. Uvedel je pravila oblačenja, strožjo doping kontrolo in 'salary cap', ki je služil predvsem ekipam.
David Stern, the NBA commissioner who oversaw the sport's biggest stage for three decades, has died.
— ESPN (@espn) January 1, 2020
He was 77. pic.twitter.com/Zc9IngkTPI
Znal se je tudi spreti z novinarji in nekaterimi igralci, a se ga bodo ljubitelji košarke spominjali predvsem kot človeka, ki je ligo NBA popeljal do popularnosti po celem svetu in jo preobrazil v eno najbogatejših.
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver statement regarding the passing of NBA Commissioner Emeritus David J. Stern pic.twitter.com/aW4WbxFQED
— NBA (@NBA) January 1, 2020
Very sad day for basketball. We saw David Stern a lot in the 90s and I found him to be kind, thoughtful and almost always the smartest person in the room. He was an innovator who helped grow our sport into a global game and his impact will never be forgotten. RIP, Commissioner. pic.twitter.com/FzlJwnJmrK
— Scottie Pippen (@ScottiePippen) January 1, 2020
Today the #NBAFamily lost a legend, a leader that changed our game for the better. A father, a husband, a friend.
— Pau Gasol (@paugasol) January 1, 2020
RIP #DavidStern, you will forever be missed. 🙏🏼 pic.twitter.com/0dColRyTOT
I can not put into words what the friendship of David Stern has meant to me but many others. He changed so many lives. David was a great innovator and made the game we love what it is today. This is a horrible loss. Our hearts are with Dianne & their family. RIP my friend. @NBA pic.twitter.com/mbnneqm18s
— TheBillRussell (@RealBillRussell) January 1, 2020
RIP David. You always said you made me and you were absolutely right . You were a friend, mentor and administrator of the largest donut fund ever. You are missed. pic.twitter.com/RYACDOj9ii
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) January 1, 2020
Sad news. We lost a legend! RIP David Stern
— Dirk Nowitzki (@swish41) January 1, 2020
Smrt je včasih poštena.