Košarkarji Dallas Mavericks so na gostovanju v Salt Lake Cityju še drugič v letošnji sezoni izgubili proti Utah Jazz (114:109). Luka Dončić je v 35 minutah zbral 23 točk (8/24 iz igre, 3/9 za tri točke, 4/4 prosti meti), sedem skokov in 11 podaj, v samem zaključku razburljivega dvoboja pa se je znašel v nemilosti trikratnega najboljšega obrambnega košarkarja lige Rudyja Goberta.
Francoski reprezentant je v odločilnih mintah srečanja uspel upočasniti slovenskega košarkarja in s tem pomembno pripomogel h končnemu razpletu tekme. Dončić je kljub učinkoviti obrambi dosegel nekaj košev iz manj izdelanih položajev, vendar je v neposrednem spopadu s kar 216 centimetrov visokim Gobertom večkrat potegnil krajši konec. Pri tem naj bi košarkarju Utaha v veliki meri pomagali tudi sodniki.

"Všeč mi je dvoboj z njim. Mislim, da je bil nad mano vsaj dvakrat storjena osebna napaka, vendar sodnik ni piskal. Vedel sem, da tega ne bo storil, ker me ne mara. Vseeno menim, da je bil prekršek," se je nad sodniškim kriterijem pritožil 22-letnik. Ko so ga novinarji povprašali, o katerem sodniku je govora, pa se je zvezdnik Dallasa raje ugriznil v jezik. "Ni pomembno. Nočem biti kaznovan."

Dvoboj Dončića in Goberta je bil po tekmi glavna tema tako v ameriškem medijskem prostoru kot na družbenih omrežjih. Nekateri so prepričani, da je slovenski as klonil spričo Francozovih obrambnih kvalitet, spet drugi menijo, da so pri tem (pre)veliko vlogo odigrali sodniki.
Per Second Spectrum, Luka Doncic was 1-of-3 with a shot-clock violation in 4 isos vs. Rudy Gobert in 4th. Doncic: "I like the matchup. I think twice I got fouled, but I know the ref – he won’t call a foul. I know every time, he don’t like me, but I thought I got fouled." https://t.co/PNQhQYDDFf
— Tim MacMahon (@espn_macmahon) February 26, 2022
Rudy Gobert with one of the best individual defensive performances you will see vs Luka Doncic and the Mavs. #TakeNote pic.twitter.com/MVxwHCDkFC
— Adam (@prodigyJF) February 26, 2022
Luka Doncic experienced his greatest success against Rudy Gobert in the fourth quarter when he did not look to attack him deep on a drive.
— Grant Afseth (@GrantAfseth) February 26, 2022
Taking advantage of being given space when using a ball screen was key. He also used a one-legged jumper in the paint to create some space. pic.twitter.com/CzQUpbHbrc
Rudy Gobert just made Luka Doncic look like one of those videos you see of a 12 year old kid trying to take on the pro whose basketball camp he's attending and I am very much here for it #TakeNote #DPOYx3
— Dan Jenson (@dsjenson) February 26, 2022
Quin said the decision to use Gobert against Doncic late was a read-based one. Felt like the team was a bit too passive early with Rudy in drop-big. He said the team's whole defensive effort improved as the game went along.
— Eric Walden (@tribjazz) February 26, 2022
Uh oh. Rudy Gobert shutting down Doncic?! That doesn’t fit the narrative, he’s just a shot blocker, someone tell him. 💪🏽
— Los (@Los36843920) February 26, 2022
Hate to say it but Gobert is EATIN Doncic
— wyatt (@Y_It_) February 26, 2022
Even Draymond Green must have been impressed by Rudy Gobert’s iso defense on Luka Doncic down the stretch. The 3-time DPOY was up for the challenge against one of the league’s most lethal offensive weapons.
— Tim MacMahon (@espn_macmahon) February 26, 2022
Rudy Gobert switched onto Luka Doncic for four recent possessions. Rudy stonewalled him on three, and Luka had to hit a nasty fadeaway on one.
— Andy Bailey (@AndrewDBailey) February 26, 2022
There are a lot of silly misconceptions about Gobert, and thinking he’s bad on the perimeter is one of them.
Rudy Gobert with one of the best individual defensive performances you will see vs Luka Doncic and the Mavs. #TakeNote pic.twitter.com/MVxwHCDkFC
— Adam (@prodigyJF) February 26, 2022