Košarkarji Chicago Bulls so zabeležili prvo zmago v pripravljalnem obdobju pred novo sezono lige NBA, potem ko so bili s 131:113 boljši od Denver Nuggets.
Na tekmi sta se pomerila dva od treh Slovencev v ligi NBA, Goran Dragić pa je bil na koncu tako moštveno kot individualno uspešnejši od Vlatka Čančarja.

Dragić je na parketu prebil 18 minut, v tem času pa prispeval osem točk, skok, dve podaji in ukradeno žogo ob statističnem indeksu 10. Zadel je štiri od osmih poskusov iz igre (50%) in zgrešil oba meta izza črte za tri točke. V prvi četrtini je poskrbel tudi za enega izmed vrhuncev tekme, ko je po hitrem protinapadu zadel iz težkega položaja za zvišanje prednosti na +4.
"Ob odsotnosti Lonza Balla nekdo mora prevzeti odgovornost in Dragić je to tudi storil. Pri 36 letih še vedno teče v tranziciji in na igrišču daje vse od sebe," je zapisal nek navijač bikov.
"Dragić je bil naravnost grozen proti Pelikanom, vendar se je dokazal proti Nuggetsom," je dodal drugi podpornik čikaške franšize.
"Goran Dragić bo kmalu član začetne peterke bikov," je v luči Gogijeve igre zapisal nek uporabnik twitterja. "Dragić neprestano ogroža tako raketo kot obroč, še posebej ob igralch s klopi, s katerimi je obkrožen," je ocenil še nek pristaš Chicaga.
"Dragić deluje mnogo, mnogo bolje kot na torkovi tekmi."
"Goran Dragić igra veliko bolje kot v torek. Spretnejši žogo in agresivnejši v napadu."
"Dragić izgleda odlično."
"Ni slabo, Dragič, lepo je videti, da si se privadil na ekipo."
"To je tisti Dragić, ki smo ga gledali na EuroBasketu."
"Dragić je pravkar kljuboval zakonom fizike."
"Dragić izgleda bolje."
"Bravo, Dragić."
"Ok, Dragić, ok!"
"Sem vam rekel, da se mora Dragić samo ogreti."
Sem Lonzo Ball, alguém precisa assumir a responsabilidade e Dragic vem fazendo isso. Mesmo com 36 anos, correndo em transição, entregando muito em quadra pic.twitter.com/eT7M8X5I5M
— Chicago Bulls Brasil (@bullsbr) October 8, 2022
Goran Dragic na ponte área para Drummond 🐉🔥🥵
— See Red Brasil (@SeeRed_Br) October 8, 2022
Dragic was absolutely terrible vs. the Pelicans, but has shown some stuff thus far against the Nuggets.
— Mark K (@mkhoops) October 8, 2022
Pretty clear that he's going to be running the second unit, particularly if he's able to push the tempo and create transition opportunities. pic.twitter.com/KSJ8SQFnQH
Goran Dragić will be starting for the Bulls soon
— J. (@xcameronsky) October 8, 2022
Dragic consistently threatening both the paint & the rim, especially with the bench lineups he's included with, is gonna be a key cog
— Stephen ☯️🏁 (@StayTrueSDot3) October 8, 2022
He can do so in a multitude of ways, it's just important that it remains a consistent entity
End 1stQ: #Bulls 27, Nuggets 26
— Cody Westerlund (@CodyWesterlund) October 8, 2022
Vucevic is having another good game early, with 8 pts on 4-5 FGs and 4 rebs.
And Dragic looks much, much better early on in this one than he did Tuesday.
Goran Dragic is playing much better today compared to Tuesday night. Much better with the ball and being aggressive offensively.
— Joshua M. Hicks (@joshmhicksmedia) October 8, 2022
Dragic looks great rn huge positive for us
— 𝓑𝓾𝓵𝓵𝓼 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷 (@bulls_pain) October 8, 2022
— Mario Torres (@__Mattix) October 8, 2022
That’s the Dragic we saw in EuroBasket! pic.twitter.com/CkA3573A9S
— Berk (@ChiBerk96) October 8, 2022
Dragic just.....defied physics on that bucket?
— CHGO Bulls (@CHGO_Bulls) October 8, 2022
Dragic looking better
— Kenya B., J.D. 👩🏿🎓👩🏿⚖️ (@sweetiekeke) October 8, 2022
Okay Dragíc👏🏽👏🏽
— 𝓛𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓪✨🤍 (@Lamarya_Denise) October 8, 2022
— Anthony (@gimmethehoop) October 8, 2022
Told y’all Dragic got the old man game he just needed to warmup. Everyone looked great overall. Dalen isn’t going to be apart of the rotation just cause he’s not disciplined enough on the court and Marko is trash I’m sorry…
— VonDon 🤟🏽 (@vondg4) October 8, 2022
I was hard on Goran Dragić he looks better on second unit tonight 👀🔴
— Shay (@ShayBlueTides) October 8, 2022