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Trideset osupljivih fotografij Slovenije

Slovenija iz leta v leto privablja več turistov, s socialnimi omrežji je njen sloves še večji.

Eden od številnih načinov promocije naše države po svetu je tudi Instagram, kjer se tuji turisti sodeč po spodnjih fotografijah zlahka zaljubijo v Slovenijo.

V nedavni raziskavi WeSwap med 2.000 ljudmi starimi od 18 do 34 let je sicer kar 37 odstotkov anketirancev izjavilo, da so na izbiro počitniške destinacije vplivali družbeni mediji. Kar 31odstotkov pa, da je objava počitniških fotografij na spletu prav tako pomembna kot počitnice same. Zato ni presenetljivo, da prihaja k nam vse več in več turistov, delno vsekakor zaradi osupljivih Instagram posnetkov...

Izbrali smo trideset čudovitih zimskih Instagram fotografij, ki predstavljajo Slovenijo.


Winter reflections at Jasna Lake. ❄️ Have you ever visited Kranjska Gora during winter time? These wonderful landscape becomes even more magical when covered with a blanket of snow. ☃️⁠ ⁠ Thank you @kaerntner_madl for sharing your photo from @kranjskagora with #ifeelsLOVEnia and #myway.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #slovenia #slowenien #visitslovenia #winterwonderland #winterwonderland❄️ #wildernesstones #weroamabroad #roam247 #beautifuldestinations #discoverearth #lifeofadventure #folkgreen #liveauthentic #earthofficial #roamtheplanet #visualsofearth #earthoutdoors #stayandwander #folkscenery #roamearth #voyaged #theglobewanderer #liveforthestory #modernoutdoors #diewocheaufinstagram #mountainstones #folk_life_mood #illgrammers

A post shared by Feel Slovenia (@feelslovenia) on


Slap Peričnik☀️ 📸 @domenrudolf . . . ___________________________________ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ HRIBOVC.SI ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ___________________________________ [Objava slik] . 🌐 Označi nas pod svojo sliko s #hribovc 🌐 Sledi profilu @hribovc 🌐 Sledi profilu @hribovc_shop ___________________________________ [Najdeš nas tudi na] . ✔️ Facebook: hribovc ✔️ Youtube: Hribovc TV ✔️ Spletna stran: hribovc.si ___________________________________ [Oglaševanje/sodelovanje] . ✉️ info@hribovc.si ___________________________________ [Oznake] . #hribisozakon #gremovhribe #razmerevgorah #slovenia #kampadanes #igslovenia #slovenija #ifeelslovenia #geoslo #instaphoto #worldshotz #vscocam #naturephotography #landscape #hiking #travel #mountains #outdoors #photooftheday #enjoylife #hribi #winterwonderland #snow #winter #sneg #zima

A post shared by Hribovc (@hribovc) on


A proper image to accompany our Christmas message: Be good to each other and enjoy life! Merry Christmas! Photo by @maestralvisuals. . Selected by @zokus_gf, co-founder of @igslovenia. . In 1939, the shepherds and dairymaids of Velika Planina used Plečnik's designs and built the Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows (Marija Snežna). Located just above the settlement, the small church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the Second World War the chapel along with 100 other wooden dwellings were burnt down. The new chapel was built in 1988 and is particularly known for its Christmas Eve midnight mass. =================================== Tag #igslovenia for a chance to be featured . For more information about Slovenia check our page igslovenia.si & follow us also on Facebook & Twitter!

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#Repost @feelslovenia 💚 • • • • • • Zgornje Jezersko, Slovenia Jezersko is full of scenic roads like this one. 🏞️ Untouched nature, beautiful mountains and fresh air make for a perfect getaway destination that will make you forget about your everyday worries. ☀️⁠ ⁠ Find even more ideas for places to visit when you're looking to unplug at the link in bio.⁠ Thank you @vila.planinka & @katarinaveselic for sharing your photo with #ifeelsLOVEnia and #myway.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #slovenia #slowenien #outdoortones #jezersko #weroamabroad #gooutside #theweekoninstagram #createscenery #liveauthentic #nakedplanet #adventureculture #adventurethatislife #exploremore #liveforthestory #theactiveway #neuehorizonte #allaboutadventures #outside_project #wildernessnation #viewbug #bestmountainartists #wildernesstones #mountainstones #forgeyourownpath #bergsteigerdorf #igslovenia

A post shared by visit jezersko (@tic_jezersko) on


Frosty sunrise at Slovenian countryside captured by @peterzajfridphoto ❣️ Share your moments with #visitmaribor!

A post shared by Visit Maribor (@visitmaribor) on


Who would you like to take a photo here with? ❤️😉 📷 Miro Zalokar

A post shared by Bled, Slovenia (@bledslovenia) on



Komentarjev 7
  • tudbognasvečnereši 10:56 18.januar 2020.

    in kaj je tu takega ,kar druge države nimajo.

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