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Za radioaktivni oblak kriva ruska podmornica?

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  • URIAH HEEP 09:04 23.februar 2017.

    Vzrok je testiranje plinskih cevi v italiji pa je vse skupaj ušlo v zrak zaradi poškodb plinovoda, ki ga je povzročil nedavni potre... Ta cevovod pa seveda gre preko Italije, Francije, Švice, Nemčije in Avstrije in delno tudi prek Slovenije.<br ...prikaži več />Za testiranje cevi pa se uporablja iodine"131", ki pa je v velikih količinah ušel ven skozi cevi v Italiji, ki jih je poškodoval nedavni potres.Test je izvajala Norveška firma Statoil zaradi bojazni, da jim je nedavni potres poškodoval cevi. test so začeli uzvajati 23. decembra in naj bi trajal 3 do 4 tedne. Kot rezultat se je pokazalo, da so nedavni "potresi" dejansko poškodovali plinske cevi in zato tudi "radioktivni" halogenski plin nad Europo!

  • URIAH HEEP 13:21 22.februar 2017.

    Vzrok je testiranje plinskih cevi v italiji pa je vse skupaj ušlo v zrak zaradi poškodb plinovoda, ki ga je povzročil nedavni potre... Ta cevovod pa seveda gre preko Italije, Francije, Švice, Nemčije in Avstrije in delno tudi prek Slovenije.<br ...prikaži več />According to this report, Iodine-131 [“iodes” means violet in Greek] is one of the most feared nuclear fission products when accidentally released into the environment, but whose danger is mitigated due to its having a very short half-life of 8.02-4 days—but as a halogen (similar in structure to chlorine and fluorine), and due to its high volatility, transforms into a unique purple vapour upon contact with air, and since the late 1940’s, has been used a radioactive tracer to discover pipeline leaks.

  • stela 14:57 22.februar 2017.

    Al pa če bi naredu kratek povzetek....???

  • URIAH HEEP 13:21 22.februar 2017.

    Under the nuclear accident protocols signed between Norway and the Federation’s Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation in 2015, this report continues, the Norwegian energy giant Statoil, this past November, notified the Ministry of Defense (MoD) that they were in preparations ...prikaži več to conduct various Iodine-131 leak tests on their natural gas pipelines due to their concerns some of them may have “split/cracked” after a 4.7 magnitude earthquake hit the Sogn og Fjordane region on 9 October (2016).

  • a04fcc1478065fdf1a95135fefb1e4e18500f9f6 13:27 22.februar 2017.

    Konkretno tokrat tole leti na B.B. -ja.

  • URIAH HEEP 13:22 22.februar 2017.

    On 23 December (2016), this report details, Statoil notified the MoD that it was beginning their Iodine-131 leak tests that they “expected/estimated” would take 3-4 weeks—and that corresponds with US Air Force reports showing that during week 2 of January ...prikaži več 2017, this radioactive pipeline tracer was being detected in northern Norway.On 18 January (2017), however, this report notes, a series of 4 major earthquakes hit Italy—and that joined that EU nations previous major earthquakes over this past year that have killed hundreds and whose recovery cost is over €23billion (£19.5billion, $24.3billion).Immediately after the 18 January earthquakes in Italy, this report continues, Federation energy giant Gazprom reported that all “normal/usual” natural gas pipeline use in the European Union had ceased for reasons “unknown/unspecified”—and that caused Gazprom to report that its natural gas flow to the EU during the month hit all-time historic records.\s\sIn failing to get

  • URIAH HEEP 13:22 22.februar 2017.

    In failing to get any information from the EU as to what was occurring with their vast natural pipeline network, this report says, MoD airborne radiation experts began to “alarm/alert” over massive quantities of Iodine-131 being detected over nearly the ...prikaži več entire continent.Of the highest Iodine-131 readings reported by the MoD, this report continues, were surrounding the Periadriatic Seam—that is a distinct geologic fault in Southern Europe, running S-shaped about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) from the Tyrrhenian Sea, through the whole Southern Alps, and as far as Hungary in Eastern Europe.

  • URIAH HEEP 13:23 22.februar 2017.

    With the US Air Force confirming that Iodine-131 was detected in Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain, until the end of January, this report concludes, what remains mysterious to Ministry of Health officials is why the EU didn’t ...prikaži več just simply notify their citizens of these natural gas pipeline tests being conducted—unless, of course, and as always, they are using this type of normal pipeline maintenance to whip up anti-Russian hysteria—and as evidenced by Western propaganda headlines saying “FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE? Dangerous Radioactive Particles Have Been Detected Across Europe And No-One Knows Where They Came From”—that would be impossible to have been generated in Russia due to the fact that winds and weather patterns go from the EU to Russia, not the other way around—with the only exception being if radiation from Russia (like Chernobyl) circulated the entire globe, but with Iodine-131 would be impossible to occur during its half life of 8 days.

  • a04fcc1478065fdf1a95135fefb1e4e18500f9f6 13:27 22.februar 2017.

    Ne vem zakaj tale portal za vsako ceno vse skuša prevaliti na Rusijo, čeprav jod z atomskimi bombami in podmornicami nima POPOLNOMA nobene veze. Ameriški ritolizniki morda? Podpihovalci hladne vojne? Si to želite?? Če vam je to tako všeč, pa ...prikaži več pejte dol v Sirijo, Afganistan, Irak... v prve bojne linije, če vam je vojna tako pri srcu, da hujskate ljudi v vojno z lažnimi predpostavkami. Ne vem, kaj potem še delate tu v novinarstvu - plačilo za prve bojne linije je večje, kot podkupnina, ki jo dobite za take članke.

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