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  • bokaj 10:59 11.oktober 2011.

    "The same Amrit Sorli tried to weigh souls of the worms in one experiment 20 years ago and even applied for Randi's Million Dollar Challenge. He can hardly be seen as a scientist and his papers hardly recognized as science. ...prikaži več The quality of his papers reflects this fact.""Yes, amrit, we know all about the experiment from Randi's website. It seems that you publish your findings in journals with - ehm - dubious reputation. The article in which you described your involvement with worms was published in Frontier Perspectives. Randi's description of that journal:'There exists a journal titled, 'Frontier Perspectives' which is published by the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia. It purports to be a scientific journal, but is so chock full of pseudoscience and quackery, that Professor John Allen Paulos of Temple University, author of "Innumeracy," reports that the faculty of Temple is embarrassed by the journal.'As far as I can se

  • bokaj 11:00 11.oktober 2011.

    As far as I can see it Physics Essays's quality isn't much better."

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