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Kako varne so lizike z umetnimi barvili

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  • Johnny13a 11:59 24.junij 2015.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given MSG its generally recognized as safe (GRAS) designation. A popular belief in the Anglosphere holds that large doses of MSG can cause headaches and other feelings of discomfort collectively known as Chinese ...prikaži več Restaurant Syndrome; however, in controlled studies, scientists have been unable to trigger such reactions consistently.[Gov. 2] The European Union classifies it as a food additive permitted in certain foods and subject to quantitative limits. MSG has the HS code 29224220 and the E number E621.[Gov. 3]

  • Johnny13a 09:01 24.junij 2015.

    jaz bi se bolj bal preparatov, kjer na njih ni nobenih opozoril... ovce neumne...

  • miho 11:07 24.junij 2015.

    Bolj nevarni so izdelki s strupenimi snovmi, na katerih ni nobenih opozoril. E621, ki ni niti najmanj zdrav in spodbuja apetit, najdeš v veliko mesnih izdelkov.

  • Johnny13a 11:58 24.junij 2015.

    Monosodium glutamate (MSG, also known as sodium glutamate) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the most abundant naturally-occurring non-essential amino acids.[Manuf. 1] MSG is found in tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, and other vegetables and fruits.[1]<br ...prikaži več />MSG is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer with an umami taste that intensifies the meaty, savory flavor of food, as naturally occurring glutamate does in foods such as stews and meat soups.[2] This was first prepared by Japanese biochemist Kikunae Ikeda, who was seeking to isolate and duplicate the savory taste of kombu, an edible seaweed used as a base for many Japanese soups. MSG as a flavor enhancer balances, blends and rounds the perception of other tastes.[3][4] It is particularly popular in Korean, Japanese and Chinese cuisine.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given MSG its generally recognized as safe (GRAS) designation. A popular belief in the Anglosphere holds t

  • zkvazdjkrregistracijozahtevate 14:10 24.junij 2015.

    Men se zdi to opozorilo totalno na mestu. Torej seznanjen si ..če se pa kljub temu odločiš za uživanje tega živila si si pa pač sam kriv. Je to pač kalkulirano tveganje katerega si pripravljen sprejet. In katerega si bil ...prikaži več več kot očitno pripravljen sprejet preden si bil seznanjen z morebitno škodljivostjo.

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