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Zato je blogarka po 25 letih spet oblekla bikinke

sarah sapora Instagram
Sarah Sapora se je odločila, da bo častila svoje telo, in to kljub odvečnim kilogramom.

Prihaja letni čas, ki se ga veliko ljudi boji, saj se ne bodo mogli več skriti pod širokimi puloverji. Sarah Sapora ve, kako se počutijo, zato si že 25 let ni nadela dvodelnih kopalk. Letos pa je 38-letna blogarka, ki želi s svojimi zapisi spremeniti pogled, ki ga imajo nekateri na ljudi z odvečnimi kilogrami, naredila izjemo.

Pokazala se je v bikinkah in fotografijo objavila na spletu. Sarah priznava, da njena samozavest ni prišla čez noč. Vse se je začelo z njenima staršema, ki sta bila leta 2015 hospitalizirana. "Takrat sem se zavedla svojih zdravstvenih težav. Niti ene ulice do mamine bolnišnice nisem mogla prehoditi brez pavze in bolečin. Vedela sem, da moram nekaj spremeniti,“ je Sarah povedala Women's Health.

Blogarka se je začela bolj zdravo prehranjevati in se vpisala v fitnes center. Izgubila je 33 kilogramov, a več kot zmage na tehtnici ji pomenijo spremembe v počutju in telesni pripravljenosti.
Povečala se je tudi njena samozavest. "Nazaj so me držala verovanja, da si ne zaslužim bikink oziroma da se v dvodelnih kopalkah ne bom počutila dobro. /.../ Če bomo pri drugih iskali potrditev lastne vrednosti, smo obsojeni na občutek manjvrednosti. Sami se moramo odločiti, kako bomo gledali nase.“


Want to know something? Sit down for this, because this overweight, 38-year old woman is about to drop a truth bomb on you. Ready? That hiding? That anxiety you feel about who you are and what you look like? That fear you have that people are looking and going to laugh at you for dreaming big, being bold, or coloring outside the lines? It’s bananas. When you “play small” in your life, nobody wins. Least of all you. Have you ever heard that expression? In the world of personal growth (a place I am dipping my toes in as a plus size wellness blogger) it's a Marianne Williamson expression that explains how many of us shrug off our true desire, our true nature, to maintain security, control, and comfort. How we ignore what we really want so as not to rock our own boat, or the boats in the water near us. Rock the damn boat. Break your mold. Stop shrugging your True North off. Step in. Big and bold. Its time!! Another pic with my @lanebryant bikini. #BeGreater #Sponsored Pic by @lovelyinla

A post shared by Sarah (@sarahsapora) on Apr 26, 2017 at 12:01pm PDT


Wearing this @lanebryant bikini took me far out of my comfort zone. But that’s the thing about feeling free. Once you REALLY start to live that — once you feel it — your comfort can’t be contained into any single zone. It’s in the air. It’s in the way you breathe. There is less fear and more room to dance in the truth of who, and what, we are. I feel this all the time. Freedom becomes your baseline. And you stop worrying about stuff like your "visible belly line" or stretch marks or stuff that jiggles because your sense of self is born in your beating heart. And your breath. And as long as you have both of those you can always come back to the single most important tool for happiness you have in your life. Love. It's all about love. Link to full post in the bio. #BeGreater #Sponsored Pic by @lovelyinla

A post shared by Sarah (@sarahsapora) on Apr 26, 2017 at 2:01pm PDT

Komentarjev 1
  • KOJAK 20:38 01.maj 2017.

    A to je naplavilo belega kita?